Friday, September 26, 2014

Fast paced world....

I will write on my blog tonight...or tomorrow night....or the next day when I may have more time.........That is what I constantly think to myself.  From 6th grade all the way through college, I kept a journal.  It was a way for me to relieve stress, contain worry, track my workouts, challenge myself, store memories, etc...Then I graduated...grew a job...moved towns, changed jobs, started working towards my Masters degree... took a leap of faith in my coaching career...arguably failed...had a handsome baby boy, got a new job....graduated with my Masters Degree in Health and Human Performance while 8 months pregnant w/ #2...had a beautiful baby girl....recently celebrated 10 years of marriage...then watched my brother marry the love of his life.........

All of that happened about as fast as the time it took for you to read it.  INSANE how fast time goes.  Everyone and their pooch will tell you that "time goes so fast when you have kids"..."don't blink because before you know it they will be out of the house"..."enjoy the baby/toddler stages because you never get this time back with your children".......and the list goes on...

I say prayers with our kids every night before bed and have them list what they are thankful for.  In my mind, it is SO important to truly value friendships, relationships, TIME on Earth and never take anything, anyone, any talent or treasure for granted.  On the flip can be so easy to do.

A person has to MAKE time for anything.  We all have the time but it's a matter of what we are going to fill the time with.  Each of us have different priorites, goals, cares or worries.
I tend to get so caught up with trying to keep everything clean (which doesn't happen).  I want to be organized and have everything in it's own little place. Sounds so precious and perfect but seriously....

I get pissed off at my kids for not listening when I ask them the first time or two to do things.  But let me take a step back and look at myself.  When they talk to me, what am I doing?  Am I on the phone? the computer? engulfed in something else so important that I don't take time to "give them my eyes" like I enforce them to do with me?  Practice what you preach mama!  I need to make that my focus and I have sincerely been trying to do better at giving them attention when they talk.

I have heard my whole life..."stop being so hard on yourself!"
I am not ok with average.  Drives. Me. Nuts.  Is this good? or bad?  There are a million ways to slice this pie.  BUT...I want to be the BEST mom that I can possibly be.  I want to be the BEST wife to Gabe.  I want to be the BEST daughter and sister than I can possibly be....the BEST sister-in-law...the BEST friend.....the most LOYAL person that people can all I can to help people succeed. Is there room for error?  Is there supposed to be?  I think this is why I tend to be too serious and now my poor son seems to be following in my footsteps.
My job means alot to me.  But lately...I question myself constantly.  Am I being the BEST coach that I can possibly be?  Did I motivate anyone today?  Did I TEACH anyone something new or reiterate something they forgot?  Could the athletes I am coaching easily say, "eh, she is ok but I am ready to work with someone else."??
I want to LEARN something EVERY DAY...EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! I don't just want to be valuable but irreplaceable.  That, realistically, is a lot of pressure to put on  myself.  My personal goals are lofty.  I also want to be in the BEST shape of my life, every year that I am alive.  I want to compete until the day I die.  I make the choice to eat healthy most of the time.  This takes a lot of work and discipline.
Am I perfect?...Can I get a "Hell no?!?!  whoot whoot"  I don't like the spotlight and don't try to entertain it.  But I admit, I get really upset when people comment (read this in the whiniest voice possible) "Oh you are so skinny...You can eat whatever you want...I just look at a hamburger and gain 10lbs.........."  blah blah blah!  My muscles were not handed to me on a golden platter people.
Is it easy to make the choices I do?  No....WHY?  I could write a book and maybe I should.......If I don't make good choices, my job will not exist, because after all, who is going to hire an overweight, unhealthy trainer/coach?  They may hire me, but will they respect me?  I have said this for YEARS when people talk to me about being a trainer, "my body is a billboard."  Just the other day, I read an article about personal trainers and their comment was "their body is their business card", same diff.  It is so easy to make bad choices.  So so sooo easy.  Losing weight is a b&*$@!  Maintaining weight/shape/definition is a B&*$@!  This day in age, to be healthy and make wise decisions, will leave you as a minority.  Sad.  But True.
Last week, I went grocery shopping and was checking out when the cashier commented, "either you like to eat healthy or someone has an allergy?"  My response, " I like to eat healthy."   Does she comment on every shopping cart?  Doubtful.  My point being, she doesn't see the choices I made, go through her checkout line that often.

My whole rant is based on TIME.  What does TIME mean to you?  Take TIME to reflect just how little TIME we really have on Earth.  What you eat, how you exercise, your physical activity, are all things that YOU CAN CONTROL.  But do you REALLY want to be in complete control?  Do you REALLY want to have that POWER?  Because it can be scary to some people.  Freedom is a powerful-powerful thing.  I realize everyday just how short life is.  I challenge you to embrace along with me the gift of time and live each day as though it's your last.  We are so blessed!  I will leave you with this...

Enjoy your children's childhood, the dirty house can wait.
Appreciate your relationships, you and your spouse should always date.
Make time for yourself, as hard as that is to do.
If you are not healthy, then really what are friends and prized possessions to you?
Take control of your life, win the battle and make the healthy choice
I know I am not perfect, but I am using my educated voice
Value your time.  For it is a GIFT.
Make the most of every day, you should not HAVE to go to work
Getting to go to work is more like it, your job should be a perk
Know your WHY, your purpose for all you do
Write it, post it for you to see, when you are feeling blue
Value your time.  For it is a GIFT.
Make time for family and friends, loyal friends can be hard to find
When you find them, treat them right, unfortunately there seem to be few of their kind
Enjoy your freedom, freedom to choose and speak
For several people in this world are left wondering and worried from weak to weak
Journal your stories, even if they are sloppy and quick
Don't make finding time the only real trick
I'm grateful for my peers, family and talents,
through my job I can encourage, low spirits I can lift
Value your time.  For it is a GIFT.

Live, Laugh, Love....and the journey continues......