Monday, November 30, 2015

School in session at the Palace

Happy Holiday season!  'Tis the season to be Merry....Jolly....insane....take your pick.

The kids have been on Thanksgiving break since the Friday before Thanksgiving week...whatever date that was.  Gabe has been working a ton...has been called in a couple needless to say, I have been living the single parent life and it stresses me out.  Kudos to all of you out there that do this daily/nightly.

Today was supposed to be the first day back to school and we got a call late last night saying it was cancelled due to the ice storm.

While I completely understand the danger in driving on a sheet of ice....much like glass slathered in Crisco......or the danger of walking down a sidewalk near a tree...a roof...or anything harboring ice.....and risking the chance that it may melt enough and fall on your head or stab some other part of your body.........yes...all very risky.  This was the picture out my front window anyways....walking out onto our porch on to our sidewalk, was like playing a game of Minesweeper!  If you don't get what I'm saying....Google it.

My patience has thinned a bit more each day I am home with the kiddos.  Today, I decided that I was gonna make it a good day at home!  Keep them entertained....educated....happy....from fighting with each other constantly......

I cancelled all my clients as the liability lotto didn't seem like a game I wanted to play today.

We had school at the Prescott's.  Graham and Kamryn woke up, bummed about not having school.  They were looking forward to seeing their friends!  I think just as much as seeing friends, they were looking forward to the type of schedule that school entails.  Before finding out that school was cancelled...Graham came upstairs dressed and ready to roll in his school uniform.  Kamryn came out in a dress and neither one wanted to dress in cozy clothes.  I told them we were going to have Prescott School.  Graham thought this was great!  He proceeded to make sure that our routine was very similar to theirs at school.......clear down to the bathroom breaks!

We started the day off with a Family prayer and then a couple prayers they are learning in class. 

After that, I had found a neat picture of a cross for the kids to color.  This was our religious/art period.

We followed that up with bathroom breaks and snacks.

Our random letter of the day was "C".  Each of the kids had to find things in the room that began with 'C.'  They each took turns coming up to the white board and writing 'C' words.

After "phonics," we had recess.  Kamryn did her own things while Graham practiced basketball drills.  We played in the garage of way were we going outside.

I found some simple Science experiments with water.  We did a couple labs....they learned about "refraction" and density.  They had fun with the experiments and I believe they learned some new things!

Graham was sad that he missed out on "Sack Lunch Day" with school being cancelled, so I fixed them both lunches and packed them in their lunch box....all so they could eat lunch at the kitchen table.....but was all about keeping peace in the house!

We actually played school from 830-1130!  The schedule was great!  We didn't get our Math lesson in but that's ok.  The kids had fun!  I actually had fun doing this with them.  Graham was full of random "I Love you Mom" comments (which never get old)....they appreciated the extra effort from me.  I'm so bad about getting caught up in other things and giving less than 50% of my attention to the kids.  I value the gift of time so much....I need to remember to give that gift to my kids whenever I can.

I didn't get a ton of household chores completed but was able to chip away at the laundry and complete my Christmas cards.

Days like today just reconfirm my feelings about "Time."  There truly is no better gift.  Time is valuable....priceless....and all about what you make of it.  Time is precious and not guaranteed.  If you want to get a gift for a friend this holiday season and don't know what to get....consider the gift of time.  Have them over for a meal, a drink, a movie....go out to lunch....go for a walk....go shopping....lift weights....sit and talk..........ANY of these things would be more than enough for me....I am sure others would feel the same.

Enjoy this holiday season!  Treasure your TIME.........and the Journey continues........