Friday, May 17, 2013

Sorry Graham but I had to post this....

Dear Graham and Kamryn:

I realize if Graham was old enough to read, he would probably get mad at me for recording this but I can't help it.  It's funny now Graham, it really is!

Graham came in from outside to "take care of business" in the bathroom.  I went to check on him and he had just finished.

Me: Buddy, do you need me to help wipe.
G: No, I already did it.
Me: Are you sure.
G: Yep.  Why do my underwear stick to the hole where my poop comes out of?
Me: blank stare......then I couldn't help it but I busted out laughing....
G: he got embarrassed and then said...ugh Who says that?!?!

A few days ago, shortly after eating lunch, Graham was sitting in his chair in the kitchen just messin' around.  I got up from the table and went to the other room for a minute and all of sudden Graham yells...
"MOM!!!  I have hair on my knees!!!!  It's so little!!!"

Oh boy....I can only imagine what he will say about 10 years from now!

As for Kamryn, I am still completely amazed at how rapidly her language has picked up the past month!  My absolute favorite thing she says right now is POPSICLES.  She pronounces them as "Eee-poss-cuh-bowls"
Another funny thing she does...
K: Hi mom!!!
Me: Hey Kamryn!
K: Good!

She assumes you are going to ask her how she is doing lol....

Least favorite things right now....when she doesn't want you to do something or even look at her...
K:  yells with attitude "Stop it!" and then tries to slap at you.

She is our biter.  Poor Graham takes a beating from little sassy pants!

It amazes me that she can very purposefully call my mom.  If I leave my phone on the table or within her reach, she will reach and grab it and say, "I call Nana!"   So many times she has called her when I didn't realize that she really was talking to my mom!  She unlocks my phone, goes to my contact list, and whoala.....dials Nana and has a convo!

Another thing that intrigues her....she LOVES to hang!  She walks around the kitchen and says "I hang!" and grabs on to the oven handle or freezer handle and hangs on them like pull-up bars.  I get so mad at her and she just laughs!  I finally started taking her outside and let her play on my gymnastics rings and pull-up bars out there....she LOVES IT!

Let's see Kamryn Louise...what else do you like to do right now???  We bought a riding mower last month and you love to ride with us.  It has actually been nice.  I didn't plan to use the rider at our house but I can actually get something done knowing you are on my lap and Graham is playing with his outdoor toys.  When it comes time to mow the front, I get the push mower and you and Graham drive your motorized car around the front yard and driveway.  It is cute to watch:)

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