sweet Jesus...I tell you what....I love my children's imagination but seriously, it's a job to keep them alive!
Graham came upstairs with a large piece of paper and scissors and tells me he is going to conduct an experiment. Meanwhile, Kamryn comes upstairs fixin' to go outside in a sundress after she has been sick this week.
Me: Graham what are you experimenting with?
G: Well I am going to make myself a pair of bat wings and see if I can fly.
Me: Uhm Graham, I am sorry but that's not going to work.
G: Mom, I am just going to try.
Me: Graham, we were not built to fly, I'm sorry but it's just the way it is!
Meanwhile....Kamryn comes out to the kitchen in a new dress and tights, not to mention with the biggest wedgie known to mankind!
She had her underpants on SIDEWAYS....that's always comfortable.
G: How about I use one of my stuffed animals?!
Me: Sure, go ahead.
So we had to make a cape for his stuffed Briar Cliff Charger (horse).....Needless to say, "Fuzzy" took a nose dive down the stairs and Graham couldn't believe it.
Just when I think the experiment is over, He gets balloons and asks me to blow one up and tie it onto Fuzzy in hopes this will work. I don't say anything but do it anyways.
Just when I finish....
Graham: slaps his head..."Oh great, air is not going to do anything....I need Helium! Can you get some helium for me?"
Ok....while I appreciate his scientific curiousity, I gotta draw the line here! Especially since I still don't have him convinced that this experiment is NOT going to work on himself!
and the journey continues........
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