Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Benny the Barger

Life has been insanely busy but I guess anymore that is the name of the game.  Kamryn is officially 10 months old already.  She is walking along side of things....stands freely once she lets go of something...she is saying "hi" along with mama and dada.  We have finally reached the stage of getting her to eat baby food.  Now, she likes to do the "motor lips" once you put the food in her mouth and food flies everywhere.  Graham laughs hysterically and eggs her on.  Once Graham laughs, then Kamryn starts laughing.  It is frustrating to have food spit in your face but at the same time, adorable hearing the kids laugh together.

Graham is beginning to understand the "big boy potty."  He is starting to grasp what the urge to go feels like.  Last night he went twice by himself while Gabe was  here.  Today, he went all by himself while it was just me here.  I asked him if he had to go potty and he said no....then he said yes and before he ran into the bathroom he told me, "you can't be Benny the Barger!"  I told him that I was not barging in, I would just be trying to help him!  He ran into the bathroom and shut the door so I thought, 'fine!'  I got Kamryn rounded up and finished the minimal things I needed to do to get her in bed.  I walked over and stood by the bathroom door and her Graham go potty!!!  I opened the door, quietly and slowly, and he flushed the toilet.  He had taken his step stool out of the cupboard and pulled it over in front of the toilet, took off his pull-up pants, and went pee standing up!  It felt like we won the Kansas Lottery!  Hot damn that was exciting!

There is a brief update on the kiddos!  Gabe is on his first series of day shift this week and that seems to be going well!!  I went to Leavenworth this past weekend for the CrossFit Level 1 Training and loved it!  Now I am waiting to hear if I passed my test or not.  It's been a rollercoaster of events the last couple years but things are starting to come together at the Prescott Palace.  I truly feel like God has led me to this opportunity with CrossFit.  I hope I can find my coaching style and go with it...and help to better and change people's lives!  It's great stuff....I am so blessed!  The journey continues...

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