Thursday, November 24, 2011

7: Thanksgiving 2011

Blessed!  That is how I feel not only today but everyday!  I feel so fortunate to have married a wonderful, caring man, and to have two healthy children.  Living so close to my parents and brother is also another blessing.  My inlaws are great supporters and loving people.  We have jobs.  A roof over our heads.  Amazing family and friends.  I could go on and I sit here trying to type a semi-serious, thoughtful blog, my son is sitting next to me with a bowl of goldfish crackers singing,
"Red solo CUP, I fill you UP, lets  have a PARTY!"
So there ya have it folks, while most toddlers are singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," mine is singing lyrics to a beer drinking song....awesome.

We had bath time already tonight.  I had shampoo in Graham's hair and I always tell him to tip his head back so that whenever I rince out the shampoo, it will not get in his eyes.  Do you think he listens???  Tonight, I just decided to dump the water on his head without saying anything first and Graham said,
"Are you kidding me?"
LOL, all I could do was laugh!  No son, I'm not kidding you, just didn't feel like asking you to do something that I knew you would fight me on in the first place :)

Kamryn is already sleeping for the night.  She is reaching such a fun stage of her life!  Laughter is great is even sweeter to hear laughter from a baby!  We are so blessed to have such a happy baby!  She wants to crawl so bad.  I am sure she will reach her goal sooner than later.

Another side note on Graham, he is putting together 24 piece puzzles entirely on his own right now.  It's so fun to watch him think and problem solve!  His wheels are always turning!

Well, that is all I have for right now...who knows what Graham will say five minutes from now.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

6: #2

So we were all sitting in the living room watching a tv show when Graham hid behind the chair.  You know that whenever he is 1) QUIET and 2) Hiding, that is not a good combo.  We asked him if he was pooping and he didn't answer.  A couple minutes later, he comes out from behind the chair, puts his hands on his bottom and feels around and says,
"Thats a football poopy, right?!"
LOL, must have felt like a football???  who knows :)

5: Random Post Nap Conversation

Graham woke up crying after his nap today.  I walked in and asked him what was the matter and he said,
" I need a different shirt!"
He had removed his pants and thrown them on the floor...taken his arms out of his shirt and pulled the shirt down to his waist.  Because I didn't feel like fighting him, I went and got him a different shirt.  We put the Thomas the Train T-shirt on and he said,
" I need Thomas pants too!" 
Well we don't have Thomas pants.  He continued to fuss.  I asked him why he had been acting like this lately.  I told him I was sorry he was so sad about his pants but that's just how it is.  He said,
"I have to listen to you better, right mommy?  So Santa Clause will bring me a new shirt for Christmas.  I get my blankets (prounounce as 'banquets') b/c I'm strong! Right mommy?" 
 So I told him I would get him out of bed and change his diaper.  He gets out and I told him that my back hurts.  He says,
"Whats happened mommy?  Here I rub your back ok mommy?  I will get you a bottle too right?"
  I told him we would get Kamryn a bottle and him a snack...he was excited about that.
This is just part of our random conversation...I couldn't keep up with all his rambling!
I better go feed Kamryn...Graham just told me that I need to get off the computer b/c it's dangerous.  I'm signing off for now...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Brief Christmas List

Graham just came running upstairs...out of breath he says, "I need a level, a drill, I make hole with the drill, hammer, and level and drill for Christmas!"  Needless to say he was a little excited!

A little while ago, Gabe put him in his crib for a timeout and set his timer for 2 minutes.  About 20 seconds into it, Graham came walking out into the living room with this monkey pillow (so yes, he bailed out of his crib) and said,
" I need to listen better, right?!" 
He is such a pistol!

3. Manners

At breakfast this morning, Gabe made pancakes and scrambled eggs.  Graham had his mouth plum full of pancakes and started talking.  I told him, "please don't talk with your mouthful...that's rude!"  Graham's response:
"thats not rude"
  I said, yes it is!  With a big smile and his mouth full he said,
"It's a happy rude!"

2. "I'm Stuck"

Keep in mind that Graham is very much into his imagination right now.  He has conversations with just about anything.
I am upstairs working in the kitchen I can hear him talking away...
"Bye!  See you later! So long...Have a nice day!"
 So I hollered downstairs and asked Graham who he was talking to. 
"My monkey pillow!"
I left the kitchen because Kamryn was getting tired so I held her for a few minutes and got her to sleep.  As I come back to the kitchen I hear,
"HELP!  I am stuck!  I need a bandaide right?  I need bandaide." 
So I walk over to the steps and wonder what is going on and there lies Graham across the third step to the bottom...holding his monkey pillow...He looks at me and says,
"I'm stuck.  My leg broking.  You need plaster cast on my leg right? I need plaster cast b/c my leg is broking!"
A few weeks ago, we checked out a library book about a character named "Maisy."  Maisy fell and broke her leg, so he remembered how the doctors fixed her.  About an hour ago, he was roaming around at the top of the stairs and I told him he either needed to go downstairs or get away from the stairs b/c I didn't want him to fall down and break a leg.  Apparantly, he put two and two together...My word, its not even 10:30am...he is full of 'P and V'

Saturday, November 19, 2011

1: Unintentional " bragging "

I have been (we have been) extremely blessed to have two healthy, beautiful, and active kids.  Graham is turning into a "Little Einstein" slash "comical character."  He is very observant and does not forget much.  Early on, we discovered his desire to learn and his ability to recall detail.  I absolutely love to learn and I feel Graham is the same way.  At 18 months, I began working with Graham on the alphabet.  By 20 months he was able to identify every letter in the alphabet.  His ability to remember people's names absolutely blows me away!  He calls our friends, his friends, my parent's friends, etc. by their first names.  Since Graham catches on so quickly to new material, I try to challenge him consistanly otherwise he gets bored.  Like most toddlers, when he is bored, he is trying to stir up some trouble!  I decided to start teaching him the 50 States by using a map.  We have worked on them for one week and he knows 29 states thus far! (he is 27 months old) I am not trying to brag on my son...actually more than anything, I am using this tool as a journal for him to read some day...I want this to be a way he can look back on his progress and hear stories about his developing character.
The same will hold true for our daughter Kamryn (4 1/2 months).  She is babbling constantly...rolling over...and smiling!  We have been so spoiled with Kamryn as she has slept through the night since 8 weeks old...has been extremely laid back and very healthy.  We are looking forward to seeing her develop into her own person!
I have been posting Graham's "Quote of the Day" on Facebook and have had requests for a blog.  I liked the idea and am going to give it a whirl.

Graham's Quote of the Day:
Tonight, moments prior to getting ready for bed, Graham waived to me real big with his pumpkin basket over his shoulder and said, "Good BYE!  I'm going to work...going trick or treating at Uncle Jared's!  See you later!...Uh oh, gotta find my keys right? I can honk at you!  Good night!"

I will continue to post his quotes as often as I possibly can.  Stay tuned!