Wednesday, December 14, 2011

We had another good game last night!  Large margin victory once again for the Bullpups!  I rarely check out the crowd during the game because I have never liked knowing where people are's like I can feel their eyes in the back of my head.  I made an effort to look in the stands last night b/c I was trying to find my son, as I promised I would.  He told me he would sit next to the "Tubas" in the band :)  I looked several times and he wasn't there.
After our game was over, my dad found me and informed me that Gabe and the kids were on there way into the game when Graham got sick outside the door.  He said Gabe thought he was going to be just fine.  Anyways, I arrive home and Gabe told me about his circus adventure with both kids.  When Graham would throw up, Kamryn would need something.  To Gabe's credit, he did a very good job of keeping up with things although I am sure he didn't feel that way.  After I got home, Graham decided to cling to me.  I understand, when you are young and sick, it feels natural to want some "TLC" from your mama.  I tell you what though, I felt like the fire hydrant that a dog sees while out on a walk.  Each time Graham had to throw up, he came walking up to me, and would bear hug my legs, then throw up......I did my best attempt at the cheerleader like, split pike jump to get out of the way, but I didn't manage to do a good job.  You know everytime I wash my car, it rains.  Two nights ago we shampooed the carpet.  The next day Azzi celebrated by whizzing all over it.  Yesterday, I finally got the oh so nasty looking tile floor in the kitchen scrubbed...such a relief!  And then Graham gets sick all over it.   It happens, I know...what can ya do about it really.? 
Moments before Graham's final erruption of the night, Graham told me this:  "I need tacos.  I need bell.  I go to taco bell, get tacos."  Well son, I don't think tacos are the answer to this situation, just sayin.  Where in the hay he came up with that proposal, who knows.
Since Gabe has a big day at work today, I told him I would stay up with Graham.  Graham and I had a Mickey Mouse Marathon...and then I got him to lay down in his bed at 12:45am.  He slept until 7:45am today and seems to be doing ok, but we shall see. 

Early yesterday afternoon, I finally got my Christmas cards in the mail, so I instantly started addressing them so I can get them in the mail.  I'm sitting downstairs doing this while Graham was playing trains and Kamryn was asleep.  I'm busy writing when suddenly I hear Graham,
" Uh oh...somebody colored on the wall."
Me: "Oh no, who did that?"
Graham:  "Graham. (pause) I did it."
Me: "Why did you do that Graham?"
Graham: "I love my crayons."
Me:  "That doesn't mean you need to color on the wall.  Are you supposed to color on anything but paper?"
Graham: "No."
After another pause ......"uh oh, somebody colored over there too!"........"I need to clean my office, right?"
Me: "Who did that?"
Graham: "Graham."
           "(gasp) look!  I did the Christmas tree all by myself!"
Me:  "Graham, you are not supposed to mess with outlets!"

He had plugged in the tree lights and I didn't even notice.  The coloring on the wall had been there but this is the first that he has officially brought it to my attention.  Nobody better turn me in for child neglect.  That was not my intent.  I was just a bit excited about getting my cards finished...and needless to say, they are not finished but I will get there soon.  I will pay more attention next time.

I was so excited to go to my Crossfit class this morning, but looks like Motherhood won that idea.  I will have to fit my workout in some other time today.
I am definitely a rookie in this blogging business...once I figure out how to post more than dialogue, it may be more exciting.  That's all I have right now...and the journey continues.

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